Before I go on and on and on and on about my life and how it sucks so much more than yours and how it’s written so that you can feel better about yourself, I believe it necessary for me to tell you, my oh-so-special reader, all about my superior inferiority.
I am a genetic nightmare for most geneticist. A tall Asian who knows how to drive, doesn’t eat rodents/ domesticated animals occasionally, has a moderately sized penis (although like most men, I beat it bruised until I think it grows), I grew up thinking about others, and most importantly, I have and use a functioning brain (not mine, I bought the brain from a friend).

^- One of many things I could have gotten if I hadn’t eaten the rest of my damned fries. Where was I? Oh yes. I’m different. But only so much different from stereotypes. It’s what happens when you grow up in a poor society that took it’s fun from laughing at people who were different (I’m looking at you white people who went to my middle school and everyone in my high school).
As for what I want, well, it’s a bit complicated. I want everyone to think moderately similar and be able to talk their differences peacefully. Unlike our current political system of “Louder Man Is More Intelligent”. Of course this goes without saying that there must be an unbalance in our world of Chaos. And when a natural scale gets out of balance, bad stuff seems to happen. A lot. Especially to me. E.g.: Me being happy immediately turns into a car hitting me in the kneecaps. But I have to realize that life is just going to suck for those hoping for it to get better. Luck only seeks people who don’t need it. And for the people that do? Well, luck gets to show up on your front door and wrongfully accuse of of public nudity, public intoxication, and fornicating with his daughter. Excuse me sir, I didn’t do any of those one things separately.
My personality is that of a simpleton. My mind spans over several different ones. Most of them are that of simpletons. The spectrum crosses several domains from psychopathic to kind. Oops, I meant kind as in kind of psychopathic. It’s not that I have trouble feeling. I just have trouble feeling anything for you. And if, perchance, I was to actually care enough to feel troubled by your problems, seek help immediately from your mental institution.
This article isn’t actually meant to be funny. But good for you that you came. Because I only merely need your attention, for I feed off of it like a vampire sucking an infants veins dry.
I am a genetic nightmare for most geneticist. A tall Asian who knows how to drive, doesn’t eat rodents/ domesticated animals occasionally, has a moderately sized penis (although like most men, I beat it bruised until I think it grows), I grew up thinking about others, and most importantly, I have and use a functioning brain (not mine, I bought the brain from a friend).
^- One of many things I could have gotten if I hadn’t eaten the rest of my damned fries. Where was I? Oh yes. I’m different. But only so much different from stereotypes. It’s what happens when you grow up in a poor society that took it’s fun from laughing at people who were different (I’m looking at you white people who went to my middle school and everyone in my high school).
As for what I want, well, it’s a bit complicated. I want everyone to think moderately similar and be able to talk their differences peacefully. Unlike our current political system of “Louder Man Is More Intelligent”. Of course this goes without saying that there must be an unbalance in our world of Chaos. And when a natural scale gets out of balance, bad stuff seems to happen. A lot. Especially to me. E.g.: Me being happy immediately turns into a car hitting me in the kneecaps. But I have to realize that life is just going to suck for those hoping for it to get better. Luck only seeks people who don’t need it. And for the people that do? Well, luck gets to show up on your front door and wrongfully accuse of of public nudity, public intoxication, and fornicating with his daughter. Excuse me sir, I didn’t do any of those one things separately.
My personality is that of a simpleton. My mind spans over several different ones. Most of them are that of simpletons. The spectrum crosses several domains from psychopathic to kind. Oops, I meant kind as in kind of psychopathic. It’s not that I have trouble feeling. I just have trouble feeling anything for you. And if, perchance, I was to actually care enough to feel troubled by your problems, seek help immediately from your mental institution.
This article isn’t actually meant to be funny. But good for you that you came. Because I only merely need your attention, for I feed off of it like a vampire sucking an infants veins dry.
creepy pic man